Every Thought Captive

Today my family and I have all struggled with this in different ways. It led to a discussion that really brought the importance of this to light. As children, the devil plants seeds in our minds that are untrue and very dangerous if we are unaware of their existence. One of satan’s favorite lies is that I’m only loved or worthy if I am…….good, successful, the best, beautiful, funny, wealthy, give gifts, etc. Another thought that sows deep seeds is if you worry and strategize you can keep bad things from happening.

None of these are true and the deeper they hide and the longer we believe them the more devastating to our emotional and spiritual health they can be.

In this journey of healing it is easy to think that after two years of digging that I have uncovered all of the false truths in my mind. That is most definitely not the truth and feeling confident is just the opening Satan needs to slide in another seed to cause anxiety in a gradual way that is most of the time unnoticed.

He succeeded in slipping a seed today, but God used a conversation with my daughter to unveil it to me. It highlighted the fact that we need to pray daily, probably even hourly, that God would reveal the false truths that are hiding in our minds and directing our behavior and taking our focus off of Him and His plan for our lives.

After my conversation with my daughter about the false thoughts that I was seeing in her behavior she said, ‘I’m mad.’ I asked, ‘at who?’ She said, ‘at the devil for playing with my mind.’ I reminded her that we have the power through Christ to take our thoughts captive and to refuse to believe the falsehoods that the devil tries to sneak in. In reminding her, I was also reminding myself. That, my friends, is an amazing gift.